presidents * aren't * perfect


Burning Down the House

Most historians agree that James Madison made a terrible blunder in failing to stop the War of 1812 between the United States and Britain. The war was preventable, but Madison felt pressured to declare war (which he did on June 1, 1812) by the War Hawks, 20 members of Congress who strenuously objected to Britain's practice of boarding American ships and abducting Americans while purportedly searching for Royal Navy deserters. The 1814 burning of Washington was a direct consequence of Madison's decision. Among the structures torched were the Senate and House of Representatives buildings, the Library of Congress, the United States Treasury and, most alarmingly, the White House.



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Yep, I'm getting to be an expert on presidential blunders. Hell, I wrote a book about one of the biggest. If you want to nominate one, or if you want to yell at me, send email to