presidents * aren't * perfect


Debate the Handshake

We'll certainly be hearing a lot of noise the next few days regarding Barack Obama's side-meeting handshake yesterday with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Or perhaps the hand-on-the-arm, overly friendly intimate handclasp. You can be certain that some will accuse Obama of appeasement and being too apologetic. Others will argue that we need better relations with the world and that, for goodness sakes, it was just a handshake. We'll be reminded of Chavez's greatest hit quotes:

  • "I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet."
  • "It’s a policy of permanent aggression, of war, of terrorism by the US empire. That’s the great guilty one, the great Satan."
  • "The devil came here yesterday. And it smells of sulfur still today."'s Cathryn Friar wrote, "The only other thing I can say is we can be relieved that The One didn't bow." Ouch. The last time a handshake received such attention was when there wasn't one between Obama and Republican Presidential Candidate Arizona Senator John McCain. Relive the moment below. (Venezuelan Government Photo)



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Yep, I'm getting to be an expert on presidential blunders. Hell, I wrote a book about one of the biggest. If you want to nominate one, or if you want to yell at me, send email to