presidents * aren't * perfect


If the Speech Didn't Kill Him...

The award for dumbest presidential decision might as well go to William Henry Harrison who, on March 4, 1841, gave the longest inauguration speech in history...and perhaps died from it. The facts are well documented. His speech of more than 8,000 words took about two hours to deliver, and in a snowstorm, no less. Worse, he wasn't wearing a hat or overcoat. Four weeks later, on April 4th, the hero of Tippecanoe died from complications that began with a cold. Whether delivering his lengthy speech in such conditions led to his illness, there's no telling. But who wants to hear someone talk for two hours anyway? Today, Harrison's claim to fame is the shortest presidency. At least it's something. If you care to read the mammoth speech, you can find it here.



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Yep, I'm getting to be an expert on presidential blunders. Hell, I wrote a book about one of the biggest. If you want to nominate one, or if you want to yell at me, send email to